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When you comment or reply to someone's topic or post, you are automatically set to "watch" that topic. This means that, when someone else adds a reply, you will be notified. 

These notifications can be sent to your email or just kept within the My Stroke Guide forum.

You can also decide to receive these same notifications on a topic you haven't commented on. Or even entire category.

Below are guides on:

How to watch a topic 

If you would like to watch a topic, follow the below instructions: 

  1. Click on the topic name 

  2. Look for the bell icon on the right side of the screen 


  3. Click the bell 

  4. Select "Watching"  (keep scrolling down for an explanation of the difference between watching and tracking)


What is the difference between watching and tracking?

How to watch a category 

Watching a category is basically the same as watching a topic. But instead of just being notified when someone replies within a topic, you are notified whenever someone adds a new topic or reply to that category.

To watch a category, please follow the below instructions: 

  1. Click to view a category 

  2. Find the bell icon on the right side of the screen (just next to the "new topic) button) 


  3. Click the bell 

  4. Select the "Watching" option  (keep scrolling for an explanation of the different options)


As with watching a topic, you have a number of options here beyond just watching. These options are:  

How do I see which categories I am watching?

You can see all the categories you are watching from your user preferences. To view this, please follow the below instructions: 

  1. Click on your user in the top right of the screen 


  2. Click on the little person icon (blue circle) 

  3. Select Preferences (red outline) 

  4. Your user profile will now appear 

  5. Click Tracking from the top menu 

  6. If you scroll down, you will now see a list of categories that you are watching, tracking, or have muted