31/01/2022 - Meeting notes

31/01/2022 - Meeting notes


Jan 31, 2022


  • @Alex.Lilja (Unlicensed)

  • Davinder Claire

  • Clement Oke

  • Charlotte Potter

  • Ashley Tallyn


  • Having one internal meeting to catch up on the progress of the project, discuss any internal deadlines and talk through any issues that took place during filming.

 Discussion topics








Video issues

  • We have all the content, but didn’t have the audio for all the videos. Davinder will be chopping the audio a bit but at least we have all the footage we need.

What are we calling it?


  • They keep saying activity in the footage and we are allowed to call it an stroke-specific exercises.

  • How are they being labelled, so do we call them activity or exercises.



  • So its 16 videos per colour, including the warm up videos etc.

  • Davinder reckons its 38 videos, but it should be 12 videos with the warm up stitched up with the warm ups which will average about 1min30sec.

  • Davinder to include a countdown clock so you can time yourself.

  • How much it would cost to get the background music - Davinder keen to do the cheapest option

  • Davinder to overlay



  • Looking through the analytics this is definitely an improvement compared to last time.

  • Average watch time was between 3 and 6 minutes.

  • Amber was the most watched.



  • Audio was not great last time and there is definitely an improvement in that area.

  • Charlotte asks why the instructors aren’t fully in shot and this may be a bit jarring, Davinder explains that its about putting someone in the whole shot it would make them very small, so this works better and wouldn’t fit in the frame.

  • Get Caitlin to review the videos for accessibility and aphasia purposes, to take into account till next time.


How are we getting people to continue with the entire programme?

  • Marketing, social media etc?

  • We had digital marketing, social media (organic) last time and it worked out well

  • Have we got any bloopers that we can use as a teaser? If we can get the assets together then we can use them for the marketing, thumbnails and organic social ourselves.



  • Davinder reckons he will take 1 week to do the editing for all the videos

  • The week after we’ll be looking at the clock animation, branding, music etc.

  • We can do the subtitles etc. (Amazon/YouTube)


Check ins

  • Davinder to send us a video every week for us to look at and comment on this on Stream.

  • Davinder asks us to have regular check ins via video chat

 Action items

Get Caitlin to review the videos for accessibility (and aphasia) purposes
Clement and Davinder to look into the clock animation and the stitching
Add a teaser to the forum to get feedback from the community - is it too hard, is it easy to follow?
Davinder asks us to have regular check ins via video chat
Davinder to send us a video every week for us to look at and comment on this on Stream.



  1. We will take a measured view on the use of the terms “exercise” and “activity” so as not to overburden ourselves with the nuances in the interpretations of either term.