Add or change your profile picture.
Fill out your profile information.
How to add your profile photo
Click the pencil icon next to your current profile image.
You should now be able to Upload a new image. If you are on your phone or tablet, you may also be able to take a new picture.
About me: Add a short description about yourself.
Time zone: Select your correct time zone.
Location (optional): Add where you live.
First Name and Surname: Edit your name.
Postcode: Add or update your postcode.
Gender (optional): Select your gender.
Your relationship to stroke (optional): Choose your connection to stroke.
Date of Birth: Enter your birth date.
Last stroke date (optional): If applicable, add when you had your last stroke.
Mobile phone number (optional): Add a phone number if you’d like to.
Consent to Stay in Touch: Choose whether you want to receive updates.
Profile header: Add a header image to your profile.
User card background: Customise the background for your profile card.
Featured topic: Select a topic to highlight on your profile.
Lastly, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the blue Save Changes button, and you’re good to go!
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