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You can log in to the Online Community without a password by using a one-time login link.

This works by sending you an email containing a link that will give you access to your account without having to reset your password.


This link is sent to your email and allows you to access your account without resetting your password.

This guide will show you how to:

  • Request a one-time login link.

  • Use the link to log in.

  1. Go to the main homepage.

  2. Click the blue "Log In" button in the top , right -hand corner, highlighted in red.

    Log in.pngImage Removed


  1. The login form will appear


  1. .

  2. Enter your username or email


  1. address.

  2. Click "Skip the password; email me a login link".

    log in link.pngImage Modified
  3. You will now need to go back and check your email inbox.

  4. Look for an email


  1. with a one-time login link.

  2. Click the login link in the email.

    one time log in link.pngImage Modified


  1. You will be taken to a confirmation page


  1. .

  2. Click


  1. "Finish Login"


  1. to


  1. access your account.

    finish logging in.pngImage Modified



are now


logged in and have full access to your account!


  • You can use the one-time login link as many times as you like to log in.


  • If you want to


  • set a permanent password, see our




If you’re not sure about something, you need more help, or if you’d like to share your feedback, please contact us through the Service Desk.

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