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Sign up information
We had a total of 148 new user sign-ups in May on the My Stroke Guide forum, a 9.62% increase compared to last month. The highest number of signups occurred on 10 May, There was an average of 4.66 new users per day.
There were an additional 38 previous users who re-activated their accounts. These are users who signed up for one of the previous iterations of the forum. With the launch of the Discourse based system all previous users needed to re-activate their user accounts. The original signup date of these users ranged from January 2018 to October 2021.
We were able to see from the data that 40 of the 148 signups originated from Google or similar search engines while 29 came from Stroke Association staff/volunteer and 22 said they were referred to the forum by a health professional and 17 found My Stroke Guide through social media.
Returning users
The number of members that logged in on the last day divided by the number of members that logged in in the last month - returns 16% which indicates community 'stickiness' for this month.
We are seeing a month on month increase in returning users to the forum activity though the content site was down from 8,352 to 7,117. There was however, an increase in the average time spent on page from 2:10 to 2:29 up 14%.
Customer feedback
The team received 17 queries this month through the My Stroke Guide service desk and resolved 13 of them before the end of the month. One request was deflected within the portal in May.
The time taken to resolve all issues was 14.15 hours. SLA success rate was 100% for time to first response and 84.6% for time to resolution. 103 self-help articles were viewed from the portal, indicating that users are finding solutions to their queries on their own.
User journey
There has been a decrease in the number of social and organic referrals though the number for the content site is still in the low figures. Social referrals peaked on the 4th May, while all sessions peaked on the 10th.
The decrease in social traffic is due to the lack of social activity directed to the content site. The Stroke of Luck project provided a spike in social visits but as we don’t routinely promote our content when we publish it on social we are not seeing much in the way of an upward trend.
In May, we published one news item and four blog pieces. One blog was part of the larger May Integrated Campaign focusing on research, while another was a follow up to our stroke recovery exercise programme.
In May we saw a higher volume of traffic to our blogs in comparison to the news items (total page views: 2,300 to 614). When you compare the average views per page, however, the news items slightly outcompete the blogs (average total page views per page: 7.89 to 6.67).
(Source: Monsido)
Accessibility compliance is measured based on the number of outstanding WCAG level A and level AA issues. My Stroke Guide is currently rated at 81.63% with 128 checks passed. There are a further 49 checks still to be resolved.
Quality assurance (QA) is measured based on the number of broken images or links and spelling issues. Our current QA compliance is measured at 100% with no broken images, links or misspellings. However over 75% of our pages have a readability level above 8th grade.
The SEO compliance of My Stroke Guide is currently rated at 82.58%, with 51 high value SEO issues to be resolved.
The connection to Monsido was re-established in the first week of May. Monsido scans the website on a weekly basis. The above statistics are taken from the final scan in May, on the 30th.
In May our newsletter focused on the theme of “Spring.” We had links to a blog, video and forum topics about gardening (1 and 2), as well as a corporate message regarding travel insurance. There was also an invitation for people to join our involvement network.
Our May newsletter had a 97.08% deliverability and a unique open rate of 40.96%. This is broadly the same as the previous month. Although our unsubscribe rate was down on the previous month (0.33%), the click to open rate was also down to 8.88%.
The newsletter was sent to 13,966 addresses, with a total of 13,555 delivered. Of these, 5,577 were opened. We saw a total of 765 clicks on various links out of those opens. The total number of people unsubscribing from the newsletter was 45.
Admin users have been excluded.
All comparative stats in this report represent the current month vs the previous period. Topics are new discussions and Posts are comments and replies.