How to flag posts and keep the community safe

How to flag posts and keep the community safe

What this guide is about

The flagging system helps keep our Online Community safe and welcoming. If you see something that breaks the rules, seems inappropriate, or doesn’t feel right, you can flag it so moderators can review it.

This guide explains:

  • How flagging works.

  • What happens after you flag a post.

  • When and why to flag.

The flagging process

Flagging is private and anonymous, only moderators can see who flagged a post, not the person who posted it or other members. Here’s a brief overview of what happens after you flag a post:

Review: Moderators look at the flagged post to see if it breaks Community rules or our Terms and conditions.

Action: Moderators will then decide if the post should be removed, edited, or left as it is. The person who made the post will be told what action was taken and why.

Resolution: We aim to resolve flagged posts within 72 hours. The person who flagged the post might not always receive an update about the outcome.

Is flagging private?

Public posts: Flagging is completely confidential, only moderators can see it. If multiple people flag the same post, the system may automatically hide it.

Group chats: Flags are anonymous. The message stays visible until a moderator reviews it.

Private chats: The other person might guess you flagged their message, but moderators handle it carefully and confidentially.

When to flag

Our community is built on respect and kindness. If something feels wrong, trust your gut and flag it. Here are some reasons to flag:

Bullying or harassment: If someone is being rude, threatening, or harassing others.

Hurtful language: If someone uses offensive or insulting language.

Unsafe content: If a post seems unsafe, it's better to flag it.

Inappropriate private messages: If you receive a message that makes you uncomfortable.

Safety concerns: If you’re worried about someone’s wellbeing, flagging is the quickest way to get help.

If anything feels off or wrong, please flag it to help keep our community safe.

Flagging options

Here is a breakdown of what you will see when you go to flag a post:

  1. Send [@username] a personal message about their post

Choosing this option lets you directly send a message to the person who wrote the post, without involving a moderator.

It’s a chance to explain why their post might not be appropriate or could be seen as hurtful.

  1. Notify staff privately

Choosing any of the options below sends the post or thread to the moderators and admins, who will review it and take appropriate action.

Off-topic: The post doesn’t fit the discussion or has veered off-topic from the rest of the thread.

Inappropriate: The content is offensive or goes against community rules or our terms and conditions.

Spam: The post is advertising or irrelevant.

Illegal: The post involves illegal activities.

Something else: If the post doesn’t fit any of the above, but still feels wrong, unsafe or triggering, you can explain why.

When you click the flag icon on a post or thread, a box will pop up asking you to choose one of these options. After selecting, click the blue Flag Post button.

flagging a post.png

How we handle safeguarding concerns

If a flagged post raises concerns about someone’s safety or well-being, we take it very seriously.

Flagged posts: If someone appears to be struggling or in an unsafe situation (e.g., abuse or mental health crisis), we review the post carefully.

Content review: Our team reviews the post to check for anything worrying. If there might be a safety issue, we’ll temporarily hide the post, so it doesn’t upset or distress others. 

Reaching out: We privately contact the person to check if they need support. With their permission, we can connect them to support services.

Informing services: We may involve other teams in our organisation to ensure the individual(s) receive the right help.

Why flagging is important

Flagging helps keep our community safe and welcoming for everyone affected by stroke. It’s not just about getting rid of bad or inappropriate content, it’s about making sure everyone feels comfortable and respected.

By flagging posts, you're helping to protect and support our community. If something feels wrong, flag it, we’d rather check than miss something important.

Have a question?

If you’re not sure about something, you need more help, or if you’d like to share your feedback, please contact us through the Service Desk.

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