Keyboard shortcuts for the Online Community

Keyboard shortcuts for the Online Community

What this guide is about

This guide lists the keyboard shortcuts you can use to navigate the Online Community quickly, without using a mouse.

Jump to sections

Keys to press

What it does

Keys to press

What it does

G, then H

Go to the Home page

G, then L

View the Latest topics

G, then N

Create a New topic

G, then U

See Unread topics

G, then C

View the List of categories

G, then T

Go to Top topics

G, then B

View your Bookmarks

G, then P

View your Profile

G, then M

See your Messages

G, then D

View your Drafts

G, then J

Go to Next topic

G, then K

Go to Previous topic

Navigation shortcuts

These shortcuts help you move around while browsing the Online Community.

Keys to press

What it does

Keys to press

What it does


Go back


Go to post #

J or K

Move selection up/down

Enter or O

Open selected topic

Shift + J / Shift + K

Next / Previous section

Shift + L

Go to first unread post

Composing shortcuts

Use these shortcuts when writing a new post or reply.

Keys to press

What it does

Keys to press

What it does

Shift + C

Return to composer (where you type messages)

Shift + F11

Fullscreen composer

Ctrl + Shift + .

Insert current time

Application shortcuts

Shortcuts for general application functions.

Keys to press

What it does

Keys to press

What it does


Open navigation menu


Open user menu


Create a new topic


Show updated topics

Ctrl + Alt + F or /


Ctrl + /

Filter sidebar

Shift + ?

Open keyboard shortcuts

Shift + B

Toggle bulk select

Shift + D

Dismiss selected topics


Toggle selection (in bulk select mode)

Shift + Z, then Shift + Z

Log out

Bookmarking shortcuts

Shortcuts on saving bookmarks and reminders to revisit them at another time.

Keys to press

What it does

Keys to press

What it does


Save and close

L, then T

Later today

L, then W

Later this week

N, then D


N, then B, then W

Start of next week

N, then B, then D

Next business day

C, then R

Custom date and time

N, then R

No reminder

D, then D

Delete bookmark

Post and topic actions

Shortcuts for interacting with posts and topics.

Keys to press

What it does

Keys to press

What it does


Bookmark/unbookmark topic


Reply as linked topic

Shift + R

Reply to topic


Reply to post


Quote post

Shift + P

Pin/Unpin topic

Shift + S

Share topic


Share post


Like post


Flag post


Bookmark post


Edit post


Delete post

M, then M

Mute topic

M, then R

Mark topic as ‘Normal’ in the topic notification settings

M, then T

Track topic

M, then W

Watch topic

Ctrl + P

Print topic

Shift + U

Mark topic as unread


Toggle archive personal message

Chat shortcuts

Shortcuts for navigating and managing chat.

Keys to press

What it does

Keys to press

What it does

Ctrl + K

Open quick channel selector

Alt + ↓ / Alt + ↑

Switch channel

Alt + Shift + ↑ / Alt + Shift + ↓

Switch unread channel

Ctrl + B

Bold (composer only)

Ctrl + I

Italic (composer only)

Ctrl + E

Code (composer only)

Ctrl + L

Insert hyperlink (composer only)


Open chat drawer


Close chat drawer

Shift + Esc

Mark all channels read

Have a question?

If you’re not sure about something, you need more help, or if you’d like to share your feedback, please contact us through the Service Desk.

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